Spring Semester Ensemble Auditions
Auditions for spring semester Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble are due to Mr. McCarty by 4pm on Friday, December 12th.
Students may video themselves at home, or during class time the week of December 8th-12th.
Audition materials, requirements, and instructions may be found by clicking here: http://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B75GKCzhafzkMnNGeEkxS0ZXLTA&usp=sharing
Woodwinds and Brass:
Perform Chromatic Scale
Perform 2 Major Scales
Perform Etude 1 (between START and STOP markings)
Perform Etude 2 (between START and STOP markings)
Perform Mallet Etude (between START and STOP markings)
Perform Timpani Etude (between START and STOP markings)
Perform Snare Etude (between START and STOP markings)
Using a smart phone or tablet, video yourself performing all of your audition materials in one complete sitting without any pauses.
Video auditions must be submitted to Mr. McCarty at patrick.mccarty@bpsne.net. Be sure you receive a confirmation response from Mr. McCarty.
Video recorders and practice room space will be made available and schedule by sections during class time the week of December 8th-12th.