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 Bellevue East High School Band Boosters 

The Bellevue East High School Band Boosters is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization whose mission is to support the development of excellence in music education, performance skills, and leadership in our instrumental music and pageantry arts programs.





The Bellevue East High School Band Boosters supports the band program in the following manner: 

  • Work to build and maintain an organization of parents who assist and promote the activities of the instrumental music and pageantry arts programs

  • Promote the band program in a positive manner

  • Serve as a promotional and marketing organization in the community

  • Generate and provide additional funding


Natalie Kuehn



Bernie Lambrecht

Vice President


Stephanie Belcher



Suzanne Nolte




Donate Using AmazonSmile!

September 30, 2014

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Parent Booster USA Inc Bellevue East Hs Band Boosters whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.

BEHS "Band Notes" E-mail List

July 24, 2014

Sign up to receive the weekly "Band Notes" schedule and Band Booster updates and information.


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